
Frequently Asked Questions


Below you will find the answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions.  If you don’t find the answer to a question you have, please email us or visit our support desk.  If you feel there is a question and answer that needs to be placed on this page, please let us know.  If we get several similar requests, we’ll add it.


Purchasing on our site

How secure is it to purchase online at your site?
We use industry standard SSL (secure socket layer) encryption to scramble your financial data when you make a purchase.  The party (financial institution) receiving this data must have the proper de-encryption code to transform the data back into readable information.  We also use one of the top 3 payment processors in the world which means the safety of their payment processing has been proven and is trusted.
Do you sell my information to anyone?
No.  Your information remains private with us.  However, we do business with, and offer some services and products through, third-party vendors and you would need to read their privacy policy to understand how they may treat your information.  For more details on how we treat your information please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Transferring Domains and Hosting

How do I transfer my domain name to you?
We take care of that for you.  Make sure you fill out and send us the Domain Name Transfer Order Form so we can get this taken care of immediately after you purchase hosting.  It generally takes 24-48 hours for your domain name to resolve (show up on the net) after it’s transferred to our hosting servers. Domain transfers typically take 7 days.
How often do your servers go down for maintenance or problems?
Our servers are up 99.95% of the time.  We can recall one time in the past year that a server was down.  The problem was corrected within minutes.
If I already have a site hosted with someone else, how do I transfer it to you and what happens to my site?
First you need to contact us so we can review your present site.  Your site may need to be rebuilt if it was built using a proprietary program or if you are wanting to make changes to the site yourself and don’t have web programming experience. Depending on how your site was built, the look of it may change slightly if we have to rebuild it. If you do not want to maintain the site yourself, we can probably transfer it without rebuilding it.  Once we’ve discussed things and you are comfortable with transferring your hosting, we can get started rebuilding it, and/or transferring it, without affecting the operation of your present site.  Once the rebuilding or transferring is finished and you’re happy with the look of your site, we then set your domain name up to be transferred to MarketWorx Domains.  Remember, it takes about 24-48 hours usually for your site to resolve to our servers once we transfer it, which means your site will be offline during that time.
March 2025


Merchant Services

Web Design by MarketWorx